Java Collection Best Practices

There are the few best practices for Java Collections

1. Decide approximate initial capacity of a collection -  As Collection implementations like ArrayList, HashMap, use Array internally for storing, you can speed up things  by setting initial capacity.

2. Use ArrayLIst, HahMap etc instead of VEctor , Hashtable to avoid synchronization overhead. Even better use array where ever possible.

3. Program to interface instead of implementation – It gives freedom of switching implementation without touching code.

For Example : Use

List list = new ArrayList();

Avoid :

ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

4. Always return empty collection object instead of null .

For Example : Use

public List getCustomer(){
        return new ArrayList(0);

Avoid :

public List getCustomer(){
        return null;

5. Generally you use a java.lang.Integer or
a java.lang.String class as the key, which are immutable Java objects.

6. Avoid exposing collection field – Always provide fine grained methods for collection fields instead of directly exposing setter/getter for collection field.

For Example Use :

class  Order
    List ArrayLisy itemList;

    public boolean addItem(Item item){

    public boolean removeItem(Item item){

Avoid :

class  Order
    List ArrayLisy itemList;

    public void setItems(List items){


7. Avoid storing unrelated or different types of objects into same collection

For Example Use :

public class  Order
    List ArrayLisy itemList;

    public boolean addItem(Item item){

    public boolean removeItem(Item item){

    public static void main(String [] args){
        int id;
        String desc;
        Order order = new Order();

        Item item = new Item()[
        item.setItem(new Integer(id));


public class Item
    int id;
    String desc;

    public void setId(int id){

    public int getId(){

    public void setDesc(){

    public String getDesc(){

Avoid :


public class  Order
    List ArrayLisy itemList;

    public boolean addItem(Item item){

    public boolean removeItem(Item item){

    public static void main(String [] args){
        int id;
        String desc;
        Order order = new Order();

        List item = new ArrayList()[
        item.add(new Integer(id));


8. Use Collection framework features instead of traditional approach.

For Example: Use

//search for duplicate names
for (int i=0;i<nameArray.length ;i++ )
    String name = nameArray[i];
        System.out.println("Got Duplicate name = " + name );


//search for duplicate names

for (int i=0;i<nameArray.length ;i++ )
    String name = nameArray[i];
    for(int j=0;j<nameArrayLength;j++){
            System.out.println("Got Duplicate name = " + name );


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