Deploying Apache Axis to Oracle OC4J Application Server
Apache Axis is a framework processing SOAP message. It gives a very flexible ways of handling SOAP message. It provides very convenient ways of creating and invoking web services. You can leave overhead of handling SOAP message to axis framework. Axis is installed as Web Module in any application server, this web module will acts as wrapper Web Service for your simple pojo java classes. Any simple java class will get converted to web service using this Axis Web module.
This tutorial explain deploying Axis to OC4j application server.
1. First download Axis archive from
2. Extract the zip file.
3. to deploy Axis as Web App to OC4j , we need to create archive file (war) and then deploy through console. So to create a war file go to command prompt and go to <asxis_home>/webapps/axis/
4. execute the command jar –cvf axis-webapp.war . This command will create axis-webapp.war file in current directory.
5.Now go to OC4J admin console and deploy new application
6. After deploy you can test Axis Webapp using OC4J Test Framework.
7. If you see page like below then it means Axis Webapp is deployed successfully
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